Title: ShreeHarini Swabhavik Leela Chesta Mahatmya - 01
Guj. Title: શ્રીહરિની સ્વાભાવિક લીલા ચેષ્ટા માહાત્મ્ય - ૦૧
Granth Name: Pratham Shreehari Ne Re...
Lyricts: Pu. Premanand Swami
Type: Katha
Category: Kirtan Vivechan
Orator: Pu. Gyanjivandasji Swami - Kundaldham
Sabha Type: Morning Sabha
Sabha Number: 01
Event Name: Swaminarayan Satsang Shibir - 27
Event Date: 05 Nov 2018
Location: Swaminarayan Mandir, Kundaldham
Playlist Name: Shree Harini Swabhavik Leela Chesta Mahatmya | શ્રી હરિની સ્વભાવિક લીલા ચેષ્ટા માહાત્મય | By Pu. Gyanjivandasjiswami - Kundaldham
Playlist: [ Ссылка ]
In 27th Satsang shibir at Shree Swaminarayan Mandir – Kundaldham and our Guruji, P. Pu Gyanjivandasji Swami discoursed katha named Shree Hari ni Leela Chesta Mahatmay Katha. As a foreground prior to the launch of Shree Hari ni Swabhavik Chesta in 3D, Shibir 27 was solely an attempt to take satsangis closer to Lord Swaminarayan. Everything at Satsang Shibir 27 was about Chesta, from the stage to all the events happening in the shibir. Lila Chesta being a poetic account of the Lord’s daily life actions and Lilas the Lord performed naturally to delight his beloved devotees. Thus this Katha was a hugely enjoyed by one and all. Which eventually being the reason for everyone’s eager wait for the release of this Katha for all to re-relish the divine bliss of Lila Chesta. Shree Hari ni Leela Chesta Mahatmay Katha. Shree Hari ni Leela Chesta Mahatmay Katha comprises of all 10 paragraph of Shree Harini Swabhavik Chesta.Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kundaldham & Karelibaug - Vadodara
Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kundaldham & Karelibaug - Vadodara
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