In a recent interview, the King of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, shared a profound motivational message inspired by the story of Krishna and Arjuna. He narrated:
"There’s a story about Krishna and Arjuna walking together. They came across a dead dog. Krishna asked Arjuna, 'What do you see?' Arjuna responded, ‘The smell is awful, the flesh is decaying, and the insides are spilling out.’ Krishna then said, 'Didn’t you notice the dog’s shiny, pearl-like teeth?’"
Through this story, SRK emphasized the importance of finding good even in bad situations. He said, "In every wrongness, even in the most difficult circumstances, try to find something positive. Instead of being judgmental, look for something nice about everything in life. You’ll enjoy life much more that way."
This inspiring message encourages us to shift our perspective and seek the silver lining in every situation.
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Discover beauty everywhere| SRK ❤️💯
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