Oh, you're reading the description? Neat! :3
Thank you for watching this video, hope ya liked it. Like and Subscribe if you wanna support in what I do!
If you don't know me already, my name is Tom (a.k.a. Nexus), a German lad making English gaming videos. On here you'll see videos to various games, such as Beat Saber, Minecraft, Rocket League, and others.
I've been doing gaming for more than 10 years, and on this channel, I want to share some of my greatest moments in gaming with you. I'll also do other videos like Reaction videos to Subreddits or Funny videos every now and then. New to the mix are furry convention videos becuase, if you haven't noticed by the channel icon already, I'm a furry.
If you have any Questions, Suggestions or just want to talk with me, you can text me on Discord:
Discord: Nexus# 9501
And while you are at it, follow me on Twitter! I'll post there every now and then :D
Twitter (furry): [ Ссылка ]
Twitter (non-furry): [ Ссылка ]
For everything else, take a look at my Linktree:
Linktree: [ Ссылка ]
#Anthrocon #Anthrocon2022 #Furry
Anthrocon 2022 - Floor Wars
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