In this video I'll show you how to access the Venue Owners based on their ID.
A few videos ago we added an Owner ID to each Venue but we didn't connect that ID to a User in our User model.
In this video we'll query the user model with the venue owner ID to retrieve User information and output it to the Show Venue Page.
#django #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:56 - Add Owner ID to Show Venue Page
3:03 - Import User Model To
3:40 - Query User Model With Venue Owner ID
4:38 - Pass Query Result To Page
5:30 - Add Venue Owner Email Address
6:00 - Conclusion
Access Venue Owner - Django Wednesdays #32
django associate modelsdjango primary keydjango venue ownersdjango IDdjango User IDdjango query databasedjango authenticationdjango database tutorialdjango wednesdaydjango update databasedjango databasedjango c.r.u.d.john eldercodemy.comcodemyjohn elder djangocodemy djangojohn elder django tutorialjohn elder django tutorial 32django tutorial 32django wednesday 32john elder django wednesday 32john elder django wednesday