Whether you're looking to protect your road bike with frame protection tape or mtb frame protection tape (also called mtb frame protective film), these materials will protect your bicycle from rocks, gravel as well as protecting your bicycle from scratches, chips and other damage. Helitape, invisiframe and some other work well but are expensive. However, we've been told that Gorilla Tape is an inexpensive way to protect your bike frame that will fit your budget. Gorilla tape is inexpensive (you can get 15 feet for $4.95), is extremely strong, durable and holds up in all types of weather conditions. It should make an ideal frame protective tape. However, having worked with Gorilla tape, it's very stick and hard to work with. With all this in mind, let's give it a try.
Wash and dry all application surfaces. Then use some isopropyl alcohol to wipe down the surface removing any residual grim. Start at the top, in the middle and slowly work your way down, pulling to stretch the tape length wise. Move your fingers from the center out ward to remove air bubbles. We'll ge back to the water bottle cage in a minute. Continue to the bottom. Cut around the water bottle attachments and remove the tape covering the holes. Go back to the top and slowly push from the center out ward. If you get and air bubbles, use a small pin and squeeze the air out.
Inexpensive, works quite well , Gorilla duct tape is super in protecting paint work on your road bike, mountain bike, trail bike, cyclocross, or gravel bike.
If any of you have had experience with Gorilla tape and it's uses, comment below. Please subscibe to keep up with our videos. This is Tony of tony10speed, safe cycling.
Gorilla Tape (non-packing type), $4.95 available through Lows and Amazon
Budget Bike Frame Protection Tape using Gorilla Tape
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