Immerse yourself in the thrilling Western classic Billy the Kid Trapped (1942), featuring Buster Crabbe as the notorious Billy the Kid and Al "Fuzzy" St. John as his faithful companion, Fuzzy Q. Jones. Directed by Sam Newfield, this gripping tale follows Billy and Fuzzy as they are wrongfully imprisoned and sentenced to death. After a daring escape, they discover that impostors are committing crimes under their names. Determined to clear their reputations, they confront the outlaws and seek justice in the tumultuous town of Mesa Verde.
Main Cast:
Buster Crabbe as Billy the Kid
Al St. John as Fuzzy Q. Jones
Malcolm 'Bud' McTaggart as Jeff Walker
Anne Jeffreys as Sally Crane
Glenn Strange as Boss Stanton
Walter McGrail as Judge Jack McConnell
#BillyTheKid #WesternClassic #BusterCrabbe #FuzzyStJohn #AnneJeffreys #1942Films #ClassicWestern #OldHollywood #CowboyMovies #SamNewfield
Enjoy this timeless Western that brings the spirit of the Wild West to life!
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