GENITURE - Getting Geniture right: Pronunciation tips in 2023
How do you pronounce geniture?
What are some alternative pronunciations for geniture?
Is geniture pronounced differently in different regions?
GENITURE Meaning And Definition:
Geniture refers to the act or process of giving birth or the manner or circumstances of one's birth.
It can also refer to one's horoscope or astrological chart, which is believed to provide information about a person's character, traits, and destiny based on the position of celestial bodies at the time of their birth.
GENITURE Pronunciation:
To pronounce 'geniture', say juh-ni-cher, juh-ni-choor, or juh-ni-tyoor.
Use GENITURE In Your Speech:
1. Her geniture took place in a small rural hospital.
2. The astrologer analyzed her geniture to predict her future.
3. Do you believe that geniture can influence personality traits?
Please answer in comments for the most popular GENITURE questions:
1. What does geniture refer to?
2. How is geniture related to astrology?
3. Can geniture influence destiny?
4. What information can be obtained from one's geniture?
5. How does geniture differ from birth?
#astrology #horoscope #natal #destiny #celestial #character
Last updated: October, 2023
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