Fly through various Mandelbox fractals. I created these Mandelbox flights using a raytracer I wrote years ago (but with relatively recent Mandelbox additions). There is some aliasing, and some of the movements aren't as smooth as they could be. I used Catmull-Rom splines, but in one case, I think I used too many control points (thus, defeating the purpose of the splines). But I think the interesting Mandelbox areas make up for all that.
There's also a section showing a varying Mandelbox scale from -4 to -1.5.
Music is "Druids March" by Psychadelik Pedestrian from (Creative Commons license). It is also available at
Video Timeline:
0:00 Deus Ex Machina
0:45 Metropolis
1:10 Futuristic City Under Construction
1:34 Varying Mandelbox Scale
1:47 Alternate Metropolis
BTW, if you're interested in 4d fractals, check out my "4D Quaternion Julia Fractals" and "Reap The Whirlwind..." videos.
Also, you can read my blog post about this topic at:
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Mandelbox Fractal Flights
3d graphics3d computer graphicsraytracingray tracingraytracerray tracerraytracedfractalsfractalmandelboxfly throughanimationcolorfulpsychedelicmetallic3dhddeus ex machinametropolisfuturistic citymandelbox scaleray marchingalienArchitecture (Industry)Trance3D Modeling (Film Job)Graphics (Field Of Study)fly bytgladtom lowezoommandelbox zoomt'gladray tracedcomputer graphicsbox foldingsphere foldingmandelbox fractal flights