Cruiser Minotaur: 9 ships destroyed - World of Warships
Minotaur: 285k damage, 9 ships destroyed - World of Warships
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Minotaur is a British tier X Cruiser.
The Minotaur is part of the British Cruiser line.
#WorldofWarships #WoWs #WOWsreplays
A light cruiser design with a more powerful and sophisticated AA system. Developed after the end of World War II from the Neptune-class cruisers. She carried dual-purpose main guns placed in new turrets, allowing for a higher rate of fire.
Battle Stats:
Version: 0.10.6
Server: EU
Time: 06-08-2021 07:46:42 EU TIME
Ship: Minotaur
Damage: 285232
Destroyed ships: 9
Map: North
Cold northern waters. Rough and tough battle.
Medals: 6
First Blood Medal, Airdefenseexpert Medal, Warrior Medal, Support Medal, Main Caliber Medal, Dreadnought Medal,
Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation
World of Warships
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Cruiser Minotaur: 9 ships destroyed - World of Warships
World of WarshipsWoWsreplaysDestroyersCruisersBattleshipsAircraft CarriersSubmarines2021Мир военных кораблейwar shipsmonde des navires de guerremondo di navi da guerramundo dos navios de guerra軍艦の世界World of Warships best replaysbest gamesADMIRAL_KUTUZOVMinotaurBritishtier XServer EUCruiserBritish Cruiser lineMap NorthFirst Blood MedalAirdefenseexpert MedalWarrior MedalSupport MedalMain Caliber MedalDreadnought Medal