Welcome to the place where I share dementia tips, strategies, and information for family members caring for a loved one with any type of dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease, Lewy Body dementia, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, etc.) Every Sunday, I share a video to help you in your dementia caregiving journey.
In today's video I share a hard truth about being a human in this world- life is challenging. It can be even more challenging when demands of caregiving enter the picture. Rather than trying to resist that change and focus on the unfairness of it all, I want you to know that you are powerful and have the ability to approach this caregiving journey with intent and purpose.
FREE Resource:
📺 Get Access to A FREE Dementia Caregiver Training on How to Care For a Loved One With Dementia- WITHOUT The Overwhelm, Dread, and Confusion: ➡︎ [ Ссылка ]
In case you haven’t met me, my name is Natali Edmonds and I am a board certified geropsychologist. That means that I am a clinical psychologist who specializes in working with older adults. One day, while hiking a trail, I came up with the idea for Careblazers and I decided to see if posting videos online could provide help to the many other Careblazers in the world who don’t get to have help come directly to them in their homes. I hope that this work helps you in some way on your caregiving journey.
#careblazer #dementia #dementiacaregiver
How to deal with caregiving challenges
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