A brief look behind the statistics. We sat down with four refugee girls in Uganda to let them tell their own stories about why education is important to them.
As the United Nations Foundation’s adolescent girl campaign, Girl Up engages girls to take action. Led by a community of nearly half a million passionate advocates raising awareness and funds, our efforts help the hardest to reach girls living in places where it is hardest to be a girl.
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Why Education Matters to Girls: Stories from Uganda
UNFoundationUnitedNationsSolutionsImportantexplainexplanationunfoundationAmericansupportworldorganizationhopehelpleadershippeacewarpeacekeepersstableglobalclimate changepovertyinternationalsocialgoodsustainabledevelopmentgoalsTedTurnerSDGSDGsgeneralassemblylivetrump2017speechsecuritycouncildinnerentrepreneursgirlupstatesfactsUgandarefugeessouthsudaneducationimportantforced marriageadolescentyoungrightsyouthAfrica