Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday (August 25, 2024) said his government is reinforcing laws to impose stricter punishments for crimes against women. “I assure you, the Central Government is with the State Governments in every way to stop atrocities against women. We cannot stop until this sinful mentality has been eradicated from Indian society,” the Prime Minister exclaimed.
His statement comes in the wake of widespread protests in West Bengal following the death of a young female doctor who was raped and murdered allegedly at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata.
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Crimes against women are the biggest crime, says PM Modi
pm narendra modi on crimes against womenprime minister narendra modicrimes against womenpm modi on crime against womencrime against womenwomen crime modiatrocities against womenviolence against womenmodi on women safetypm modi on women safetyprime ministerwomen safetypm modi on up womencrime and safetyindian prime minister modi live speechcrime newsindian prime ministerwomen safety issueskolkata crime newscrime