The American Rancher, hosted by Pam Minick, is in its 11th year of broadcasting on RFD-TV. The series began in the fall of 2004 and brings audiences in touch with the people and places that make ranching an American lifestyle. Show episodes premiere each Monday night @ 9:00 PM EST on RFD-TV and re-air again Tuesday @ 1:00 AM EST and Sunday @ Noon EST.
The American Rancher is a half-hour television series that continues to reach a vast audience through RFD-TV (DISH-231 & DirecTV-345). Each week, sit back and enjoy a glimpse into the lives of hard working men and women who contribute to the beef industry in America.
The American Rancher features a variety of shows including seed stock producers, genetics companies, breed associations, western heritage and more!
For more information about The American Rancher go to
For more information about the American International Charolais Association go to
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