How to do a water change the easy way. There are many ways to do a water change, this is how we do ours. We use a pond pump. It has made it quick and easy. The pond pump does all the work. It can be used to remove water from your tank and also fill it back up. The three main things to consider when choosing a pump are, water flow rate from your tap,
how far your aquarium is from your sink or bath and the height of your aquarium.
For a point of reference our flow rate from the tap is 2 gallons per minute, the distance from the tank to the sink is approximately 20ft and the height of our tallest aquarium is 51inches. Although our tap flow rate was only 120gph we need a water pump that would pump much faster than that at 396gph to pump the water the height of the tank.
The important things to remember are to never let your bucket run dry otherwise the pump can burn out. Also don't walk off leaving your tank filling otherwise you may forget about it and it will overflow.
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Eco Submersible Pump [ Ссылка ].
Tubing [ Ссылка ]
Water Conditioner [ Ссылка ]
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How to do Easy Water Changes using a Pump
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