Board Exam preparation can be a stressful time. But when you rely on Meritnation as your study partner, you are in safe hands. We are happy to be back with our “Board Exam Analysis” sessions!
We bring to you a comprehensive analysis of the CBSE Class 12 English paper held today. Watch this Live Video by our expert faculty, Deepti Ma’am, to get a sense of how you fared in your exam. We will also be publishing detailed question-wise solutions for the paper on the Meritnation website by 8 PM today.
And hey, in order to get notified every time there is an Analysis or a Strategy Session for Maths, Science, English, Hindi or Social Studies, remember to subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon.
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Remember to tune in to our channel on the day of the Board Exam to view an Analysis of each of the Board exam by our expert. The solutions to the Board Papers will be available on Meritnation on the same day of the exam.
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