(CZ) Hra o tom, jak se na nás podepisují dějiny. V groteskně hořkém příběhu se setkáváme s Gitou Lauschmannovou, silnou hrdinkou s tajemnou minulostí, která se vrací do rodné vsi jménem Puklice, odkud ji kdysi odvezli do koncentračního tábora...
(EN) In a theatrical adaptation of a sparkling, imaginative prose by celebrated Czech writer Radka Denemarková depicts a world of absurdity and darkness. Money From Hitler tells the story of Gita Lauschmanová, who as a young girl in 1945 leaves a concentration camp as an orphan to face the stunning realization that there is in fact nowhere to return, and that the oppression and savagery of the holocaust are far from over. For Gita, living is no longer a question of right or wrong. It is purely a question of survival. Money from Hitler received the Czech Republic's prestigious Magnesia Litera award for Czech Literature in the prose category for 2007. It is now being made into a feature film.
With English surtitles!
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