Peter Rabbit meets Monsters University in the exciting, animated feature Rabbit Academy. This vibrant and colourful family adventure follows Max, the first city rabbit to be chosen in the master class for Easter Rabbits. Now Max and his friends must find their very own super-power to protect Easter. The unthinkable happens when insidious rabbit Leo begins conspiring with the foxes and schemes to destroy all eggs. Will Rabbits Max, Emmy and their friends manage to stop him? The emergence of an extinction event on Earth leaves the inhabitants of a space station in horror, as they witness the end of humanity unfold before their very eyes. Does the crew risk their lives to get back home during the global catastrophe and search for survivors or remain safe and watch as life as they know it comes to an end? Rubikon stars George Blagden (Les Misérables), Mark Ivanir (The Good Shepherd), Julia Franz Richter and is directed by Leni Lauritsch.
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