Here we remember Dirk Preisser´s Opel Kadett C Coupé 16V, one of the fastest 2000cc Naturally Aspirated Hillclimb Cars we have ever watched on the tremendously competitive Berg-Cup. Powered by a Naturally Aspirated C20xe Engine in Touring Car spec capable of 310Hp/10.000Rpm, always being fully explored by some tremendous driving, fighting for the 2.0L Class title for a number of seasons until stopping at the end of the 2018 season.
The fact that this RWD machine weighs less than 800Kg and is tuned with goodies such as 6 Speed paddle-operated Sequential Gearbox and KW Suspensions goes a long way to explain how fast it is. The final product can be seen here attacking Eschdorf and St.Agatha Hillclimbs. The Onboard footage puts everything into perspective, displaying how effective this Monster was.
10.000Rpm Kadett C 16V || Opel C20xe Engine Swap
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