Realme recently launched its first tablet in India, the Realme Pad. So, how is the Realme Pad's tablet experience? What are the unique features it packs? How does it compare to the Galaxy Tab A7?
Well, in this video, we tell you our opinions on the Realme Pad.
Realme Pad with 10.4-inch Display, Helio G80 SoC, and 7,100mAh Battery Launched in India: [ Ссылка ]
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Realme Pad: A Simple Budget Tablet!
Realme PadRealme Pad ReviewRealme Pad 10.4Realme Pad UnboxingRealme Pad Unboxing in HindiRealme Pad Review in HindiRealme Pad vsvs Realme PadRealme Pad vs Galaxy TabRealme Pad vs Galaxy Tab A7Realme Pad vs iPad MiniRealme Pad vs Tab A7Realme Pad Tips and TricksRealme Pad FeaturesRealme Pad BGMIRealme Pad PUBGRealme Pad Gaming TestRealme Pad Battery TestRealme Pad Charging SpeedRealme Pad Speed TestRealme Pad First ImpressionsBeebom