Richard B. Russell interviewed by Neal Strawser, CBS reporter; John L. Steele, Washington Bureau Chief and TIME-LIFE correspondent; and Martin Agronsky, CBS News Correspondent. Commercials are included.
Topics discussed include:
Vietnam decisions of President Johnson ("conventional warfare"); Vietnam blunders, Vietnam compared to Cuba; "domino theory"; effects of the U.S. failure to honor international agreements; appointment of Henry Cabot Lodge as Ambassador to South Vietnam; RBR's relationship with LBJ; RBR's recommendations in re Vietnam; division of responsibility for military service (UMT); past and projected costs (financial and human sacrifices) of Vietnam; Defense appropriations vs. costs of Great Society; dissatisfaction with military training for Vietnam-bound military personnel; evaluation of McNamara's defense economy program and of McNamara; use of atomic weapons in Vietnam; Voting Rights Bill.
This video is from the Richard B. Russell, Jr. Collection at the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia Libraries.