Mark Pollicott - Jean-Morlet Chair at Cirm 2019 - Semester 2
Mark Pollicott is Full Professor at the University of Warwick. His main research area is Thermodynamic Formalism. He is particularly interested in applications to other areas of mathematics, including geometry, number theory, dimension theory and analysis.
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Interview at CIRM: Mark Pollicott
CirmCNRSSMFMathematicsmathématiquesMarseilleLuminyCentre international de rencontres mathématiquesaix-marseilleuniversitéAMUaixmarseilleuniversitymark pollicottjean morlet chairwarwick universityThermodynamic Formalismgeometrynumber theorydimension theoryanalysissandro vaientiSmooth Ergodic TheoryDynamical SystemsStatistical PropertiesHomogenization for Random Systemsinsmi