I just got two halfmoon plakat betta fish in the mail! I spent hours and hours picking just the right betta fish to buy online, and I ended up with one fancy koi hmpk (the male) and one regular koi hmpk (the female). I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a week, I've been preparing for these little babies to show up.
Both of the bettas are around 4-ish months old. Which one do you like the best? And what would you name these beautiful fish? ..... ALSO I have to say that this aquarium is SO COOL 🥰
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Here is where I bought my halfmoon plakat betta fish: 7fishs.com
Thank you so much for watching!
(you can call me Jean now if you read down this far)
#bettafish #bettaunboxing
Halfmoon Plakat Betta Fish Unboxing!
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