Dr Sam Illingworth reads his poem Bottlenose Alliance, Poem 32.
This collaboration is the first in a series of ideaXme collaborations with scientists, innovators and artists who move the human story forward. The ideaXme creator series is found here: [ Ссылка ]
Dr. Sam Illingworth, PhD. Atmospheric Physics, is an Associate Professor in Academic Practice at Edinburgh University in the UK. His work and research focus on using poetry and games to develop dialogue between different audiences.
This poem is inspired by recent research, which has found that bottlenose dolphins form the largest alliance network outside of humans.
Cooperation lies at the heart of human lives and society, from day-to-day interactions to some of our greatest endeavours. Indeed, modern human societies strongly depend on high levels of cooperation between individuals, and almost everywhere, humans live in cooperative groups of varying size and type – from families to nations. Although cooperation is a widespread phenomenon in nature, human cooperation exceeds that of all other species with respect to the scale and range of our cooperative activities. Indeed, intergroup cooperation in humans has long been thought to be unique and dependent upon two specific features that distinguish humans from our common ancestry with chimpanzees – the evolution of both pair bonds (i.e., the strong affinity that develops between a mating pair) and parental care by males.
In this new study, researchers have shown that male bottlenose dolphins form the largest known alliance network outside of humans, where the cooperative relationships between groups, rather than alliance size, increases male access to other females to reproduce. The researchers analysed association and consortship (short-term mating relationships) data to model the structure of alliances between 121 adult male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins at Shark Bay in Western Australia. Unrelated male dolphins were found to form first-order alliances of two-three males to cooperatively pursue consortships with individual females. Second-order alliances of four-14 unrelated males were then found to compete with other alliances over access to female dolphins, with third-order alliances occurring between cooperating second-order alliances. During this study, each male was found to be connected, directly or indirectly, to every other male, and the duration with which males consort with females was found to be dependent upon being well connected with third-order allies, independently of the effect of their second-order alliance connections. In other words, alliances between groups increase access to females for the males, thereby increasing reproductive success. The findings of this study reveal that intergroup male alliances can in fact arise directly from a promiscuous mating system without pair bonds or male parental care. This highlights that dolphin societies, as well as those of nonhuman primates, provide valuable model systems for understanding the evolution and development of human cooperation.
Video footage from Canva.
Voice over for ideaXme introduction: Neil Koenig former Senior BBC producer and journalist and current ideaXme board advisor and guest interviewer.
Music for ideaXme introduction: Music: Space Heroes by MaxKoMusic | [ Ссылка ]
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
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Podcast music: Rufus Beckett.
Research on which the poem is based: [ Ссылка ]
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Dr Sam Illingworth's Poem | Bottlenose Alliance
collaboration of bottlenose dolphinsbottlenose dolphinsbottlenose dolphin researchhow collaboration leads to human evolutioncollaboration and progressnew research human collaborationSam IllingworthDr Sam IllingworthideaXmemovethehumanstoryforwardSam Illingworth and ideaXmepoetry of scienceSam Illingworth poetry of sciencepoetry of science ideaXmeideaXme creatorsSam Illingworth ideaXme creatorsDirector ideaXme creatorspoetrycool poets