Ten years is a long time to wait for a sequel. And they all died at the end of the original. So is this a Zombie movie? Nope, it's a prequel. Whereas the original was based upon history as well as blind nationalism and Burmese hating (the three pillars modern Thailand is built upon). The second movie is pure fiction, or an attempt at politics, politics the way the government would like it that is.
The real Bangrajun and the 1st movie at least had a the subtext of the peasants heroically fighting for Thailand as the King and rulers abandon them for their own interests then are wiped out for their betrayal. In the current Thai political crisis this is definitely a metaphor the current rulers don't want in a movie, so in this version, that subtext is turned on its head.
The new movie is broad metaphor for the Thai political crisis as the government would like to portray it. Thais fight among themselves while the Burmese invade. Rich fight poor but they all see the wisdom of reconciling (reconciliation being the poor giving up their grievances, accepting the government were right all along and nothing changing) and agree that Thais shouldn't be hating one another, worrying about which Thais are fed and which aren't or how unfairly and corruptly the country is run by the rulers. They should all put this out of their minds by hating foreigners instead.
I used footage from the movie Bangrajun II and the music is Bangrajun II by Carabao and Bao Wee to make this vid.
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