When men of integrity remain silent, families and society face inevitable collapse.
What happens to our homes, our communities, and our values when strong, principled men no longer speak up? Are we witnessing the collapsing of society because godly men are stepping back from their responsibilities?
“The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name.” (Education, p. 57).
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Conrad Vine | Silent Men
men of integrity silenceconsequences of silent menEllen White on menmen of integrity family societyChristian family valuesmale leadership in societyGodly men in the Biblerole of men in the BibleChristian community leadershipspiritual leadership familymale responsibility in familyimportance of male leadershipfamily roles in Christianityrole of integrity in familysilent men and societal collapseChristian values and leadershipimpact of silence