15 Health Benefits of Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments. Dandelions are incredibly healthy for you, especially when eaten as an herb.
1. Relieves Joint Pain
Dandelion greens contain a substance called polysaccharides that help ease joint pain and inflammation. They are also rich in Vitamin A, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to be good for reducing inflammation. This makes dandelion greens a great herb for joint pain.
2. Improves Digestion
When eaten raw, dandelion greens can help increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system, which helps strengthen your immune system. The large amount of vitamin C in dandelion greens is also known to strengthen the immune system.
3. Boosts the Immune System
Dandelion greens contain high amounts of vitamin A. This vitamin is known to help your body fight off infections and boost your immune system. This is a very good herb to add to your diet if you are battling the common cold or flu.
4. Prevent Ulcers
Dandelion greens contain a good amount of calcium and magnesium and can help to treat ulcers and even prevent them from occurring in the first place.
5. Gives You the Healthiest Heart
Dandelion greens have the highest concentration of the B vitamins that help the heart function more efficiently. They also have Vitamin C, which is known to strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of heart disease.
6. Removes Fungal Infections
Dandelion greens contain a compound called Nolvadex, which can be found in almost any anti-fungal product. This compound is known to fight against the fungus Candida. If you are fighting a fungal infection, dandelion greens may help.
7. Lowers Cholesterol
Dandelion greens are high in fiber and low in fat. This makes them a good choice for those who are trying to lower their cholesterol. They also contain an enzyme known as quercetin, which helps improve your blood cholesterol levels.
8. Helps with Anemia
Dandelion greens are high in iron, which is known to aid in the absorption of iron. Iron deficiency can cause fatigue and may also lead to loss of energy and tiredness. If you have anemia, dandelion greens are a good choice to add to your diet.
9. Reduces the Risk of Cancers
One of the best known benefits of dandelion greens is that they can help fight cancer. The flavonoids found in dandelion greens have anti-carcinogenic properties. They are also known to help reduce inflammation.
10. Lowers the Risk of Heart Attack
Dandelion greens contain quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant. Quercetin has been found to help lower the risk of heart attacks. It also helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
11. Improves Eye Health
The anthocyan in found in dandelion greens is known to help prevent eye damage and improve eye health. Studies have also found that the anthocyanin is found to improve blood flow and reduce the effects of age-related macular degeneration.
12. Gives you strong Bones
Dandelion greens are also high in calcium, which is known to aid in the formation of strong and healthy bones. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis.
13. Can help with weight loss
Another benefit that you can gain from eating dandelion greens is that it can help with your weight loss. This is because the dandelion contains a lot of fiber. This can help you to feel fuller for longer, and it can also help to improve your overall diet.
14. Can help with Diabetes
Dandelion greens are high in antioxidants. They have also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. If you have diabetes, you can add dandelion greens to your diet. It is also known to help control your blood sugar levels.
15. Helps to Detoxify Your Body
Dandelion greens are known to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. This makes them an excellent choice for your body to help with its overall detoxification process.
There are so many reasons to start eating dandelion greens. It is really important that you check with your doctor before adding dandelion greens to your diet. You can also try to purchase them from your local farmer’s market, or ask your local grocery store to carry them. If you are having a hard time finding them, they can be found at health food stores.
How have dandelion greens been beneficial to your health?
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15 Health Benefits of Dandelion Greens - Natural Remedies
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