Bahan :
1 porsi nasi putih
100 gr ayam cincang kasar
2 butir telur
3 batang sawi hijau
2 lbr daun kol,
Bumbu :
1 sdm minyak cabe (resep menyusul), pedas sesuai selera
1 1/2 sdm baceman bawang putih (resep menyusul)
1 sdm saus tiram
1 btg daun bawang, potong halus
1 sdm petai
1 1 1/2 sdm ikan asin, digoreng dan dihancurkan (kasar)
1 sdt kaldu ayam
1 1/2 sdt garam, sesuai selera
Minyak goreng
Instruksi :
- panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya (2-3 sdm), masukkan baceman bawang putih, tumis hingga wangi dengan api sedang
- apabila bawang goreng sudah wangi, tambahkan ayam cincang dan daun bawang cincang, tumis hingga matang, kemudian tambahkan 1 bh telor, biarkan selama 3o detik,
- kemudian diaduk2 dan campur. Apabila semua bahan sudah tercampur rata, tambahakan petai dan ikan asin yg sudah digoreng dan dihancurkan / atau potong kecil2 kemudian
aduk hingga tercampur merata
- Tambahkan nasi putih, diaduk2 sebentar, kemudian tambahkan sayuran, saus tiram, kaldu ayam, garam dan terakhir minyak cabe. Tumis hingga sayuran layu
- Apabila sayuran sudah layu, matikan api kompor, Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin-petai Special pun siap utk disajikan.
====Selamat Mencoba====
English sub :
Salted Fish Fried Rice with Petai
Ingredients :
1 portion of plain rice
100 g minced chicken
2 eggs
3 stalks of choi Sam
2 lbs of cabbage leaves
Spice :
1 tablespoon chili oil (recipe will be online soon), spicy according to taste
1 1/2 tablespoons fermented garlic (recipe will be online soon)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 spring onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp petai
1 1 1/2 tbsp fried salted fish, crushed or cut it into small pieces
1 tsp chicken stock powdeer
1 1/2 tsp salt, to taste
Cooking oil
- Heat enough cooking oil (2-3 tablespoons), add the fermented garlic, stir-fry until fragrant on medium heat
- when the fried onions are fragrant, add the minced chicken and chopped spring onions, stir-fry until well done, then add 1 egg, leave for 30 seconds,
- then stir fry until they are well mix. When all the ingredients are well mixed, add the petai and salted fish that have been fried and crushed or cut into small pieces,
then stir until evenly mixed
- Add white rice, stir briefly, then add vegetables, oyster sauce, chicken stock powder, salt and finally chili oil. Saute until vegetables wilt
- When the vegetables are wilted, turn off the heat, Salted Fish Fried Rice with Petai is ready to be served.
====Good Luck====
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