Benefits for the Speechcraft Participants
Do you dread speaking in front of others? If you do, you’re not alone. According to many surveys, speaking in public is one of the most common fears held by people.
But you can conquer that fear, painlessly and enjoyably, by attending the Speechcraft program conducted by your local Toastmasters club.
What is Speechcraft
Speechcraft is a workshop to develop your presentation skills.
It’s not done in a classroom and you don’t receive a grade.
Experienced Toastmasters present the fundamentals of public speaking in the relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere of a Toastmasters meeting
Through participation, you will become a more confident and poised speaker.
In 4-8 short sessions, you might not get ride of the butterflies in your stomach, but you’ll have them flying in formation.
Learn by Doing
In Speechcraft, you will learn through practice and by studying the materials provided
Your own Toastmasters advisor will help you prepare for your short talks.
You will gain confidence in all aspects of communication, including written and impromptu speeches, body language and listening.
How Will It Help Me?
The skills gained through Speechcraft will benefit you at home and at work. Every conversation at home with the family will be more fun and productive. On the job, you will be able to communicate better with your employer, associates, subordinates and customers.
Speechcraft will improve your performance in:
gaining confidence in all aspects of communication, including
written and impromptu speeches
body language & visual aids
active listening
constructive evaluation
learning to organize & present your ideas logically and convincingly
improving your performance in:
Conducting & participating in business meetings
Motivating people
Interview for jobs – improve job or promotion prospects
Selling ideas or products
Solving problems.
What is Toastmasters SpeechCraft?
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