Dragon Ball kakumei : Universal War Preparation | Part1
The events of Dragon Ball Kakumei take place after the end of the Dragon Ball Super anime. Goku undergoes training to refine Ultra Instinct against the God of Destruction, Beerus, who will face him without holding back. Meanwhile, the Grand Priest convenes a meeting to discuss the security implications of Android 17, whose actions inadvertently resurrected entities that the Grand Priest believed he had rid himself of in the past. These beings have returned from the darkness to emerge once again. Frieza, having gained his freedom in exchange for participating in the Tournament of Power, now seeks glory and revenge. What will happen amid all these events? This is what we will unfold for you in this video.
Music Source :
- Alexander Nakarada : (The Vikings, Explorer, He's a Parrot, Greenlands, Forest Walk, Leaving for Valhalla, Nomadic Dawn)
- Aylex : (Guardians, Destiny, Epic Motivation, Legacies, Storm )
- (Adventures begin, There Be Dragons) : Pufino
- Epic Spectrum : (Tension, Within Us, Wandering)
- The end of time - Ean Grimm
- Castle by Walen
- CrispyDonut
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