Presentation at The Second International Multi-disciplinary Conference on The Archaeology of Sound (Archaeoacoustics 2015) by Professor Paolo Debertolis (university of Trieste, Italy). Istanbul (Turkey), 30 Oct - 1 Nov, 2015.
Abstract - In 2013 our research group in archaeoacoustics (SBRG) elaborated a new protocol for archaeoacoustics which was able to different researchers to compare the results of their study (SBSA). This protocol uses different devices and method for valuing physical phenomena in ancient sites or resonance created by builders of sacred temples. At the same time we analyzed the effect on the human body of these phenomena by well known methods as electroencephalograpy (EEG) or the emotionality by TRV camera. But in the last two years our archaeoacoustic researches advanced to another step making visible vibration and natural magnetic and electric fields affecting human body until now measured only by microphones or spectrum analyzers or other simple devices.
This new methods are based on ultrasensitive digital sensors extended over and below visible light and with computer software able to point out micro variations of the environment. We made visible vibrations and environment micro-movements and it was valued their frequencies by new photograph technologies which add on the same image different frames taking in a lapse of time. It was also possible to make visible electromagnetic fields using the “scattering phenomenon” of the light created by alignment of steam water molecules with magnetic field not visible by an human eye, but well recognized by computer using a modified camera able to work in UV field. We concluded that all the sacred sites we analyzed have some of these phenomena affecting human body despite the surrounding environment resulting free from these phenomena and we elaborated a new protocol of analysis for archaeoacoustics.
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