Mos Nicolae a fost destul de generos cu mine oferindu-mi un cadou SONAR DEEPER CHIRP+ ultima aparitie a celor de la DEEPER team...Mai mult de-atat, Mos Craciun nu m-a evitat fiind un pescar cuminte fireste, a venit cu suportul pentru telefon, DEEPER SMARTPHONE...
Unboxing-ul si testarea s-au facut pe raul Neajlov intru-un ochi format natural si unde am gasit conditiile optime..
Urmariti filmarea pana la capat, deoarece veti vedea filmari necenzurate urmate de surprize mai mult sau mai putin placute cu concluzii finale pe care nu le puteam trage doar din cartea de instructiuni, decat proband efectiv acest sonar.
Vizionare placuta!
Santa Claus was quite generous with me giving me a gift SONAR DEEPER CHIRP + the last appearance of the DEEPER team ... Moreover, Santa Claus did not avoid me being a good fisherman of course, he came with the support for telephone, DEEPER SMARTPHONE ...
Unboxing and testing were done on the Neajlov River in a naturally formed eye and where we found the optimal conditions.
Watch the filming to the end, because you will see uncensored videos followed by more or less pleasant surprises with final conclusions that we could not draw only from the instruction book, than actually trying this sonar.
Thanks for watching and appreciating!
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