AP Education Minister Adimulapu Suresh about Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme on iDream News. Minister Adimulapu Suresh states that Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Scheme will be launched on October 5th by AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy. Under this scheme the state government will provide education kits to government school students. The AP government is launching this scheme so that the students of Govt. schools can easily focus on their studies. The State Government will provide a kit consisting of three pairs of uniforms, textbooks, notebooks, a pair of shoes, two pairs of socks, belts and a school bag to each student of class 1st to 10th in government schools.
A total of 43 Lakh students across the state will be given Vidya Kanuka Kits under the scheme.
#APCMJJaganMohanReddy #AdimulapuSuresh
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