In this episode of The Newshour, the host Navika Kumar will be discussing how Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has announced a Rs 1,000 crore refurbishment of the Kondagatu temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman in Jagtial district, following a Rs 2,000 crore makeover for the Yadagirigutta shrine. The statement comes ahead of the state's Assembly elections, where the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), the incumbent party, is up against a determined challenge from the BJP. As a result, the BRS must counteract its perceived "pro-Muslim" slant. People from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, including VIPs and celebrities, frequent the 300-year-old Kondagatu temple, which is located around 200 miles from Hyderabad. They often go there before beginning something new or when their desires come true. The development of the Bhadrachalam and Vemulawada temples, on which construction has been ongoing for a few years, was previously declared by the BRS government. A few panelists join us. "Telangana model is only that of the appeasement. Now, with elections approaching, they're appease the Hindus. Imagine if a BJP govt would spend nearly Rs. 2k crores on temples' renovation, what level of hue & cry would've happened," says K.Krishna Sagar Rao, Chief Spokesperson BJP.
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