With interest rates at an all time low, it might be a great time to refinancing your student loan debt. Not so fast though, because with the current stimulus package provided by the US government, it might not be a good idea. In this video, I go over the process of refinancing, tell you what factors you need to pay attention to if you're looking to refinance your student loans, and give you my recommendation for what to do with your federal student loans and private student loans right now.
Will you be taking advantage of the low interest rates? Let me know in the comments!
Here's the list of links I mentioned throughout the video!
1 - Check Your Credit Score for Free: [ Ссылка ]
2 - Improve Your Credit Score Quick: [ Ссылка ]
3 - Calculating Interest on a Loan: [ Ссылка ]
4 - Bankrate Loan Calculator: [ Ссылка ]
5 - Student Aid Website: [ Ссылка ]
6 - Student Loan Forgiveness Proposals: [ Ссылка ]
7 - Fixed vs Variable Interest: [ Ссылка ]
8 - Refinance with SoFi: sofi.com/share/486078?src=copy
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Student Loan Refinancing Explained
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