Time stamps: (CLICK SHOW MORE)
ST Rotation: 00:00-03:26
3+ Target AOE Rotation: 03:26-06:19
Here are some tips in order to maximize your dps on st/aoe:
Single Target and or 2 targets:
-) Opener: Icy Veins + Deathborne + Frozen orb
-) Use Frostbolt until you get 2 procs of icelance, use the 2 icelance and keep going
-) If you get 1 proc of ice lance and flurry proc and you are mid casting, wait till you get another proc of ice lance (you shouldn't wait more than 3 seconds), then use 2 ice lance procs followed by flurry followed 2 more ice lances (since flurry gives winter's chill to the target it's used on therefore your next 2 attacks crit)
-) If you get 1 proc of ice lance and flurry proc and you did not get another ice lance proc within 3 ish seconds, use 1 proc of ice lance followed by flurry followed by 2 ice lances, this way you maximize your chance of getting another flurry proc after the first one.
-) Use Rune of Power after the one from Icy Veins expire.
-) if done consistently you should have a very high up time on icy veins.
AOE 3+ Targets:
-) Opener: Icy Veins + Deathborne + Frozen Orb
-) During Deathborne use frostbolt until you get a flurry proc, then use the flurry proc and keep spamming frostbolt, IGNORE any ice lance procs.
-) Again use Rune of power once the one from icy veins expires. You should have crazy up time on Icy veins during aoe, if the rune on the ground disappears and you still have 6-10 seconds of icy veins and another icy veins ready, use it and waste those 10 seconds, because it's all about maximizing dps out put during AOE bursts
-) Outside of Deathborne, use Blizzard on cooldown (every 6 seconds) rest of it is the same as what you would do for single target/ 2 targets.
AOE 6+ Targets:
-) Same as 3+ targets but you always keep Blizzard up, regardless of being in deathborne or not.
Pro tips:
-) during icy veins (example the opener) when you cast frozen orb, cast 1 (or 2) frost novae freezing your targets, frozen orb will break the ice and since you are in icy veins these decreases the cooldown of icy veins massively.
-) Usable in single target and or aoe, I have demonstrated it on 3 targets in this video, during icy veins use frozen nova just before the Comet Storm from your tier set hits the mobs, this will create the same effect as frozen orb tactic, hence decreasing the cooldown of icy veins massively.
-) Use Arcane Explosion for 10+ targets, if you sim your character, you'll see that even if you have 10 targets, the sim rarely uses this ability, it is useful if you get frost locked due to some reason, but I would rather spend those times casting Fleshcraft.
Credit for Image: Jon Neimeister, check him at [ Ссылка ]
World of Warcraft Shadowlands Frost Mage RotationFrost Mage Single Target RotationFrost Mage AOE RotationFrost Mage BuiltWorld of Warcraft Dragonflight Pre-patch Frost Mage rotationDragonflight Frost Mage LegendariesDragonflight pre-Patch Single Target RotationDragonflight Pre-Patch AOE RotationWorld of Warcraft Dragonflight Pre-Patch Frost Mage RotationDragonflight Pre-Patch Frost Mage Single Target RotationDragonflight Pre-Patch Frost Mage AOE Rotation