Pioneer's Energy Advisor Ted talks about our load management switches. Electric cooperative members across the state have saved millions of dollars by allowing their generation supplier, Buckeye Power, to control their use of electricity at certain times through Peak Management.
Electricity cost is highest when it’s most needed – less than one percent of the hours in a year. Peak demand typically occurs in the mornings and evenings on a few of the most hot and humid summer days (between 4 and 10 p.m.) and a few really cold and windy winter days (between 6 and 10 a.m. and 5 and 9 p.m.). The maximum or “peak” amount of electricity used determines Pioneer's future costs of power. When the peak goes up, so does the cost. By reducing the demand for electricity created by electric water heaters, home-heating systems and central air-conditioning systems of our members, the cooperative reduces its costs for power.
So, when you volunteer to participate in a Peak Management program, you’re joining thousands of other electric cooperative members across Ohio to control use of electricity and save money.