Hyde Park Winter Wonderland returns for another year 18 November 2022 - 02 January 2023
Providing a spectacular festive destination.
Blizzard - 65 metres of pure adrenaline. A fast white knuckle ride will truly take your breath away!
Discovery - rotates 360 degrees on twin axis while flipping through the air.
Aeronaut Starflyer - 80 metres is the world’s largest transportable Starflyer.
The Giant Wheel - Bavarian village
Open every day Open during winter except Christmas Day. Big top shows, an observation wheel, and a huge Christmas market.
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland lets you live in the moment and celebrate the most wonderful time of year. From the sound of laughter among friends to the look of joy on your child's face when they meet Santa for the first time, experience magic like never before. Who will you be bringing?
Familia festivo favorito de las maravillas de invierno volvió a Hyde Park de Londres, grandes espectáculos principales, una noria y un enorme mercado de Navidad.
Festliche Familien beliebt Winter Wonderland kehrte nach London Hyde Park, Big Top-Shows, einem Riesenrad und einem riesigen Weihnachtsmarkt.
Dychwelodd y teulu y Nadolig hoff Gwyl y Gaeaf i Hyde Park, Llundain, sioeau mawr top, olwyn arsylwi a marchnad Nadolig enfawr.
Feestelijke familie favoriete Winter Wonderland terug naar het Londense Hyde Park, grote bovenkant shows, een reuzenrad en een enorme kerstmarkt.
Famiglia Festive preferito Winter Wonderland tornato a Hyde Park di Londra, grandi spettacoli di alto livello, una ruota panoramica e un enorme mercatino di Natale.
Праздничный любимая семья Winter Wonderland вернулся в лондонском Гайд-парке, больших лучших шоу, на колесе обозрения и огромный рождественский рынок.
축제 가족이 좋아하는 겨울 원더 랜드는 런던의 하이드 파크 (Hyde Park), 큰 최고 쇼, 회전 관람차 거대한 크리스마스 시장으로 돌아왔다.