Torrential downpour has battered several districts of the scenic North-Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. With around 20 persons dead and endlessly being affected, the monsoon fury has damaged the property with Rs 4000 crore. After Himachal, its neighbour and another mesmerizing hilly state of India, Uttarakhand, is under the fear of catastrophe triggered by downpour. Several cases of landslides and extreme waterlogging were witnessed in many parts of Uttarakhand. The IMD has also issued a ‘red alert’ in the state amid the fear of intense rainfall, triggering flash floods and landslides. The State Meteorological Department also highlighted the fear of another Himachal like situation in Uttarakhand. Amid all this, Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami have also assured that they are ready to counter any mishap triggered by downpour. The rains have wreaked havoc in Himachal Pradesh triggering landslides, causing power disruption, blocking roads, and damaging bridges. Nature’s fury in the scenic state has claimed 20 lives over the past 48 hours.
#Uttarakhandflood #IMD #PushkarSinghDhami
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