#shankaracharya #adishankaracharya #ganesha #devotional #jewels #five #ganapatibappamorya #ganpati #ambili #lordganesha @ambilism
Lyrics & Meaning:
Muda karatta modakam sada vimukthi sadhakam
Kaladaravatamsakam vilasi loka raksakam
Anayakaika nayakam vinasitebha daityakam
Natashubhashu nashakam namami tam vinayakam
Meaning: I lie down before Lord Ganesha who holds modaka in His hand, who bestows salvation, who wears the moon as a crown in his head, who is the sole leader of those who loses themselves in the world. One who destroyed the Gajaasura (elephant demon) and who destroys the sins of those who bow down to him, I worship such a Lord Ganesh.
Natetarathi bhikaram navoditarka bhasvaram
Namat surari nirjaram nathadhikapaduddharam
Suresvaram nidhisvaram gajesvaram ganesvaram
Mahesvaram tamasraye paratparam nirantaram
Meaning: I meditate forever on him, the Lord of the Ganas, who is terrifying to those not devoted, who shines like the morning sun, who removes the pain of his devotees.
Samasta loka shankaram nirasta daithya kunjaram
Daretarodaram varam varebhavaktram aksaram
Kripakaram ksahmakaram mudakaram yashaskaram
Manaskaram namaskrtam namaskaromi bhaswaram
Meaning: I bow down to Lord Ganesha who brings happiness to all the worlds, who destroyed the demon Gajasura, who has a beautiful elephant face, who is immortal, who gives mercy and who bestows fame.
Akincanarthi marjanam ciranthanokthi bhajanam
Puraripurvanandanam surari garva charvanam
Prapancanasa bhisanam dhananjayadi bhusanam
Kapoladanavaranam bhaje puranavaranam
Meaning: I worship the God who destroys the pains of the poor, who is the first son of Lord Shiva, who destroys the pride of the enemies of the Gods, who is fierce like an elephant in a rut and who wears Dhananjaya and other serpents as his ornaments.
Nitanta kanta dantakantimantakanta katmajam
Acintyarupamantahina mantaraya krantanam
Hrdantare nirantaram vasantameva yoginam
Tamekadantameva tam vichintayami santatam
Meaning: I reflect upon a single tusked God only, whose tusk is very beautiful, who is the son of Lord Shiva, who resides in the hearts of the Yogis.
Mahaganesha pancharatnamadarena yonvaham
Prajalpati prabhatake hrdi smaran ganeshvaram
Arogatam adoshatam susahitim suputratam
Samahitayurastabhutimabhyupaiti so;chirat…
Meaning: He who recites this stotram every morning with full devotion will soon be endowed with a healthy and long life. And will be endowed with spiritual and material prosperity.
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God Bless! ILYSM.
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