I recently got a BOSS NS-2 to tame some of the unwanted noise I get from running an SD-1 into a JCM800 with quite a bit of preamp gain. The NS-2 is run through the loop and I realized that it added bass and a bit of high end. The Marshall JCM800 SC20 at okay room volumes sounds anaemic, or as I call it, pansy. With the added frequencies, I figured will it make a low volume sans attenuator work well, and it seems to work for me. This ain't the glorious cranked Marshall sound but for low volumes, works well enough for my ears. A viable alternative to using an attenuator and wearing out my EL34 tubes.
#marshallamplification #jcm800 #bosspedals #bosssd1 #bossns2
Yamaha Pacifica 611FM
Marshall JCM800 SC20
BOSS NS-2 (via FX Loop)
Marshall SC 2x12 vertical cab with Celestion V-Types.
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