A short animated film produced by Their Future Today to raise awareness of foster care in Sri Lanka.
Based on the true story of Richard Farleigh, ex-dragon on Dragons Den.
Animated for Their Future Today, a small grassroots charity, working to improve and develop the lives of disadvantaged children in Sri Lanka, by preventing abandonment, finding families for children to live in, providing education and training and transforming care in existing orphanages.
Written and Produced by - Lynn Stanier MBE
Creative Director / Illustrations - Helen Blizard
Animation Production - Isuru Liyanage
Music Composer - Jason Kouchak
Voiceover - Richard Farleigh
Website: www.theirfuturetoday.org
Follow us:
Facebook - www.facebook.com/theirfuturetoday
Instagram - www.instagram.com/theirfuturetoday/
Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/company/their-future-today
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