Eyes Wide Shut, directed by Stanley Kubrick, holds the dubious record of being the longest-running continuous film shoot in film history. The fairly basic screenplay took 400 days to shoot, as lead actor Tom Cruise was required to do up to 100 takes per set-up. Cruise ultimately became deeply frustrated by the process.
Well, I guess Tom got more than he bargained for...
Eyes Wide ShutEyes Wide Shut 1999Stanley Kubrick Eyes Wide ShutKubrick 100 TakesTom Cruise Eyes Wide ShutTom Cruise Stanley KubrickTom Cruise 100 TakesTom Cruise MagnoliaKubrick many takesStanley Kubrick actorsStanley Kubrick working with actorsTom Cruise 1999Tom Cruise 1996Tom Cruise Jerry MaguireTom Cruise Mission ImpossibleSydney Pollack Eyes Wide ShutNicole Kidman Eyes Wide ShutWhen the Director Takes 400 Days to Film The Script