Earlier this week on Tuesday (Nov 9) and Wednesday (Nov 10), MP54AC 681 returned to service after having equipment problems last month. Its return was epic, as it was a doubleheader coupled to MP40PH 628 and old cab car 257!! I filmed this train on both days it was in service, first with the doubleheader leading, and then with the old cab leading! Sadly, 681 encountered more equipment issues, and this consist is no longer in service.
0:00 Double! MP54AC 681 & MP40 628
Pulling 10 cars eastbound at 85 km/h at 4:15 PM on November 9, 2021
0:38 Old cab car 257
Leading 10 cars westbound towards West Harbour at 66 km/h at 10:17 AM on November 10, 2021
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