The Andhra Pradesh government which has been sitting on the CBI's request for attachment of Kadapa MP, Y S Jaganmohan Reddy's properties finally issued orders (GO MS No: 89) to proceed further in the matter. Home Secretary Ajendra Pal, who carefully sandwiched the crucial Jagan's order with two others, allowed the CBI to attach properties of Koneru Rajendra Prasad (GO MS: 88) in the Emaar land case and Sunil Reddy, (GO MS 87) a close confidant of Y S Jaganmohan Reddy in the Jagan's amassing of wealth case. Armed by the government orders the CBI is expected to move the CBI Special Court on Monday seeking permission to confiscate movable and immovable properties of Jagati Publications, Indira Television and Janani Infra owned by Jaganmohan Reddy on 21 May.
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