ProGaming - Hearthstone, Aggro Overload Shaman(1890) vs Aggro Warrior(1251) by zzz and Auricaura, Ranked - Standard (2019-08-20)
No Commentary Pro Gaming
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Cards: Zap!, Earth Shock, Lightning Bolt, Murloc Tidecaller, Sludge Slurper, Voltaic Burst, Earthen Might, Likkim, Rockbiter Weapon, Underbelly Angler, Haunting Visions, Lava Burst, Spirit of the Frog, Thunderhead, Vessina, Doomhammer, Inner Rage, Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Battle Rage, Cruel Taskmaster, Frightened Flunky, Temple Berserker, Bloodsworn Mercenary, Frothing Berserker, Livewire Lance, SN1P-SN4P, Kor'kron Elite, Militia Commander, Restless Mummy, Leeroy Jenkins, Zilliax, Grommash Hellscream
#Hearthstone #Blizzard #HSReplay #LetsPlay #TheGamerBay #ESports #NoCommentary #ProGaming #AggroOverloadShaman #AggroWarrior #zzz #Auricaura #RankedStandard #Zap #EarthShock #LightningBolt #MurlocTidecaller #SludgeSlurper #VoltaicBurst #EarthenMight #Likkim #RockbiterWeapon #UnderbellyAngler #HauntingVisions #LavaBurst #SpiritoftheFrog #Thunderhead #Vessina #Doomhammer #InnerRage #EterniumRover #TownCrier #BattleRage #CruelTaskmaster #FrightenedFlunky #TempleBerserker #BloodswornMercenary #FrothingBerserker #LivewireLance #SN1PSN4P #KorkronElite #MilitiaCommander #RestlessMummy #LeeroyJenkins #Zilliax #GrommashHellscream
Battle Log:
# Mulligan
# Turn 1: Auricaura
zzz draws [Underbelly Angler]
zzz draws [Sludge Slurper]
zzz mulligans a card
zzz mulligans [Rockbiter Weapon]
Auricaura steals [Frightened Flunky]
Auricaura draws [Frightened Flunky]
# Turn 1: zzz
zzz ends their turn
zzz draws [Lava Burst]
zzz plays [The Coin]
zzz steals [The Coin] using [The Coin]
zzz plays [Underbelly Angler]
zzz steals [Underbelly Angler] using [Underbelly Angler]
# Turn 2: Auricaura
Auricaura ends their turn
Auricaura steals [Kor'kron Elite]
Auricaura draws [Kor'kron Elite]
Auricaura plays [Temple Berserker]
# Turn 2: zzz
zzz ends their turn
zzz draws [Murloc Tidecaller]
zzz plays [Murloc Tidecaller]
zzz steals [Murloc Tidecaller] using [Murloc Tidecaller]
zzz receives [Fishflinger] from [Murloc Tidecaller]
zzz plays [Sludge Slurper]
zzz steals [Sludge Slurper] using [Murloc Tidecaller]
zzz steals [Blarghghl] using [Sludge Slurper]
[Murloc Tidecaller] gains +1 attack from [Sludge Slurper]
zzz receives [Witchy Lackey] from [Sludge Slurper]
zzz receives [Toxfin] from [Sludge Slurper]
[Underbelly Angler] attacks [Garrosh Hellscream]
[Underbelly Angler] attacks [Garrosh Hellscream] for 2
# Turn 3: Auricaura
Auricaura ends their turn
Auricaura steals [Leeroy Jenkins]
Auricaura draws [Leeroy Jenkins]
Auricaura plays [Inner Rage] targeting [Temple Berserker]
[Inner Rage] damages [Temple Berserker] for 1
Auricaura steals [Inner Rage] using [Inner Rage]
[Temple Berserker] gains +2 attack from [Inner Rage]
Auricaura steals [Enraged]
Auricaura plays [Bloodsworn Mercenary] targeting [Temple Berserker]
Auricaura steals [Inner Rage]
a card summons [Temple Berserker]
Auricaura steals [Enraged]
[Temple Berserker] attacks [Underbelly Angler]
[Temple Berserker] attacks [Underbelly Angler] for 5
# Turn 3: zzz
[Underbelly Angler] dies
Auricaura steals [Enraged]
a card summons [Temple Berserker]
[Temple Berserker] gains +2 attack
zzz ends their turn
[Temple Berserker] dies
zzz draws [Sludge Slurper]
zzz plays [Sludge Slurper]
zzz steals [Sludge Slurper] using [Murloc Tidecaller]
[Murloc Tidecaller] gains +1 attack from [Sludge Slurper]
zzz receives [Witchy Lackey] from [Sludge Slurper]
zzz plays [Toxfin] targeting [Sludge Slurper]
zzz steals [Toxfin] using [Murloc Tidecaller]
[Murloc Tidecaller] gains +1 attack from [Toxfin]
zzz steals [Toxic Fin]
[Murloc Tidecaller] attacks [Bloodsworn Mercenary]
[Murloc Tidecaller] attacks [Bloodsworn Mercenary] for 4
[Sludge Slurper] attacks [Temple Berserker]
[Murloc Tidecaller] dies
[Bloodsworn Mercenary] dies
[Sludge Slurper] attacks [Temple Berserker] for 2
# Turn 4: Auricaura
[Temple Berserker] dies
Auricaura ends their turn
[Sludge Slurper] dies
Auricaura steals [Grommash Hellscream]
Auricaura draws [Grommash Hellscream]
Auricaura plays [Frightened Flunky]
Auricaura receives [Zilliax]
Auricaura uses [Armor Up!]
[Garrosh Hellscream] gains 2 armor
[Temple Berserker] attacks [Thrall]
[Temple Berserker] attacks [Thrall] for 5
# Turn 4: zzz
zzz ends their turn
zzz draws [Voltaic Burst]
zzz plays [Likkim]
[Likkim] gains +2 attack from [Likkim]
zzz steals [Likkim] using [Likkim]
[Thrall] equips [Likkim]
zzz plays [Voltaic Burst]
zzz steals [Voltaic Burst] using [Voltaic Burst]
[Voltaic Burst] summons [Spark]
[Voltaic Burst] summons [Spark]
[Sludge Slurper] attacks [Frightened Flunky]
[Sludge Slurper] attacks [Frightened Flunky] for 2
[Spark] attacks [Temple Berserker]
[Sludge ...
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