Anita Nair’s latest novel “Chain of Custody” was launched at the French Alliance in New Delhi. It addresses children’s rights and child trafficking. As part of the platform, “The Other Thought: French-Indian Encounters on Creativity and Innovation”, Pascal Fautrat, from the NGO Tara Home for Children, which works towards protecting endangered children, interacted with Anita Nair, who tackled the issue through a crime investigation of her famous character Inspector Gowda, in Bangalore. To bring awareness about a world plague.
Anita Nair launched her latest novel “Chain of Custody”
Media India GroupIndiaAnita NairnovelChain of CustodyFrench AllianceAlliance francaiseNew Delhichildren’s rightschild traffickingPascal FautratNGOTara Home for Childrencrime investigationcharacterInspector GowdaBangaloreKarnatakaFrench Embassyawarenessfamilyparentsrelativesabusemental distresskidsburdenshelterstreet childrensocial workerWestern peopleorgans traffickingadoptionconsumer societyobjectsglobalization