Well known Telugu film director V Madhusudhan Rao passed away here on Wednesday. He was 95. Veeramachineni Madhusudhan Rao had been ailing for the
last few years. He is survived by his wife Saroja and two sons. He was born on July 27, 1917. Having made his debut as a filmmaker through the film 'Sathi Thulasi' in 1959, he went on to make several films which brought him repute. The hit films he made include 'Mallepuvu', 'Angadibomma',
Telu Film Director Madhusudhana Rao Passes Away (TV5)
V Madhusudhan Raofamous Telugu cinema directorscript writerTelugu cinema directorcinema directortelugu actresstollywood actressTelugu Songstelugu moviestelugu comedytelugu trailerstelugu new moviestelugu full moviestollywood newstollywood trailerstollywood comedytamil actresshot telugu actressspicy telugu actresschiranjeevibalakrishnajunior ntrjr ntrram charanallu arjunpawan kalyanmahesh babuprabhaskajal agarwaltammanna