Constantin Brânzei - cimpoi
Înregistrare și fotografii: Ion Minoiu
Canicea, com. Izverna, jud. Mehedinţi,
septembrie 2001
Iată un exemplu de muzică de dans neaoș țărănească din Oltenia de nord-vest. Melodia nu e înveșmântată armonic, precum cea a tarafurilor, ci e executată la cimpoi și jucată de fiicele și de nepoata cimpoierului. La acea dată, Constantin Brânzei rămăsese ultimul localnic din Izverna capabil să construiască cimpoaie. I-am comandat și eu unul dar, cu toate insistențele, n-a mai reușit să mi-l facă. Nimeni nu mai căuta cimpoaie, ci orgi electronice și omul se deznădăjduise… Pentru mai multe detalii tehnice, consultați textul în limba engleză de mai jos.
Danț & Răstău - Dances from Oltenia
Constantin Brânzei - bagpipes
Recording & Photos: Ion Minoiu
Canicea hamlet, Izverna village,
Mehedinţi county, Romania,
September 2001
In past times five types of bagpipes were known in Romania; three types of bagpipes had a single chanter and two types had a double chanter. In fact, most dance music was once played on bagpipes but they have been gradually replaced by other instruments such as violins during the course of the 20th century. In some regions of Romania the bagpipes are now extinct and the only things that reminds one of their existence are titles of tunes and dances or their instrumental characteristics taken over by other instruments. Even in the regions where bagpipes still exist their popularity is in rapid decline. On this recording one can hear two isorhythmic dances with a binary rhythm (called Danţ and Răstău) played on a single-chanter bagpipe. The beats are subdivided and this suits the technical limitations of an instrument which cannot emit successive sounds at the same pitch and has to intersperse sounds of a different pitch. The melody is always doubled by the drone pipe accompaniment. Our informant was the only person capable of building bagpipes in northern Mehedinţi county in 2001.
#bagpipes #oltenia #mehedinti
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