A look at how orchid smuggling is big business and how many endangered orchid species aer being trafficked out of Asia into the hands of wealthy international collectors. It also reports on how confiscated orchids by Hong Kong Customs are preserved, propagated and researched at a Kadoorie centre in the New Territories. The story also features the conservation efforts in Vietnam to protect endangered orchid species there. However, the story reports on how precious orchid species can be easily bought in Vietnam's flower capital of Dalat.
Reporter/Producer: Susan Yu
Cameraman: Eric Seldin
Broadcast: STAR TV Focus Asia 2002
Orchid Smuggling in Asia
dalat flower marketvietnam horticulturesusan yu max media asiaorchid trafficking asiavietnammaxmediaasiaorchid smugglingvietnam orchidshong kong customsorchid researchOrchidaceae (Organism Classification)Max Media AsiaSmuggling (Crime Type)endangered orchidsorchid thievesvietnam flowersorchid propagation hong kongMax Media Asia Susan Yuorchid collectors