Now that you’ve created your free SKUs, you have the option to place them on virtual Shelf Space in the Wishfinity Shop. Here, new shoppers who aren’t already your customers browse items they’d like to add to their wish lists.
Wish Shelf Space is an excellent way for you to expose your products or services to more buyers, as it’s the only way to introduce your merchandise natively within the Wishfinity app.
Whereas advertising only allows you to pay for impressions or website visits, Shelf Space ensures that a consumer’s click places your items directly in their wish list. This means buyers save your items for future sales. It also means your brand is bookmarked for gifting by their family and friends.
Better than advertising. Better than an abandoned shopping cart.
Make sure your offer is findable by hungry consumers by getting Wish Shelf Space today!
ShelfSpace - Wishfinity
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